The New Deal
Roosevelt implemented sweeping legislation called The New Deal, aimed at putting Americans back to work and stabilizing the economy through robust government investment. The New Deal dramatically restructured the American economy – for one of the first times in American history, our government was being used to stabilize the broader American population, and protect at least a minimum standard of living for many Americans.
This film was produced by the Works Project Administration, a new government agency established by the New Deal that funded an array of programs for unemployed Americans.
Where is it located in the Museum?
Museum Map
The Hunger Museum Tour
We Can Solve Hunger —
The Proof is in Our History
The Proof is in Our History
- 1.Welcome
- 2.Welcome
- 3.The Age of Mass Migration - Landing
- 4.The Age of Mass Migration - Main
- 5.Immigration from Europe
- 6.Early Activists
- 7.The Great Depression
- 8.Charity Is Not Enough
- 9.Hunger is No One's Fault
- 10.The New Deal
- 11.Political Compromises
- 12.An Unequal Recovery
- 13.Back Door Exclusions
- 14.Hunger, Justice, and Civil Rights - Landing
- 15.Hunger, Justice, and Civil Rights - Main
- 16.The Walk for Decent Welfare
- 17.Televising the War on Hunger - Landing
- 18.Televising the War on Hunger - Main
- 19.Hunger in America
- 20.The Great Society
- 21.Bipartisan Consensus
- 22.Nixon Works to End Hunger
- 23.The Unmaking of the Great Society - Landing
- 24.The Unmaking of the Great Society - Main
- 25.President Reagan
- 26.The Myth of the Welfare Queen
- 27.Cementing Stereotypes into Policy
- 28.A New Bipartisan Consensus
- 29.Where We Are Now - Landing
- 30.Where We Are Now - Main
- 31.The Pandemic
- 32.Patching our Safety Net
- 33.Our Wish for the Future
- 34.End tour
Welcome to the Hunger Museum, a virtual project of MAZON.