“East Side Women Discussing the Price of Meat During N.Y.C. Meat Boycott.” 1910. Library of Congress.
Nearly one third of the Ashkenazi Jewish population from “the Pale of Settlement,” an area encompassing parts of present-day Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, and Lithuania, fled Eastern Europe before the outbreak of the first World War, after nearly a century of segregation and forced assimilation. The assassination of the Russian Tsar in 1881 unleashed a wave of violent attacks, known as pogroms, on the region’s Jewish communities, prompting many to flee. Colored by antisemitism and xenophobia, hunger among Jewish migrants in the U.S. was often dismissed as a byproduct of their “backwards” traditions or a reflection of their racial inferiority.
Where is it located in the Museum?
Museum Map
The Hunger Museum
We Can Solve Hunger —
The Proof is in Our History
The Proof is in Our History
- 1.Welcome
- 2.The Age of Mass Migration - Landing
- 3.The Age of Mass Migration - Main
- 4.Jewish Immigration from Eastern Europe
- 5.Immigration from Europe
- 6.On the Breadline
- 7.Beginnings
- 8.What was the rationale behind the Food Stamp Program?
- 9.Farm Family Portraits
- 10.An Unequal Recovery
- 11.Lunch Counter Student Sit-Ins (Greensboro, NC)
- 12.Televising the War on Hunger - Landing
- 13.Televising the War on Hunger - Main
- 14.CBS’s “Hunger in America”
- 15.President Lyndon B. Johnson
- 16.Senator George McGovern and Senator Robert Dole
- 17.Dr. Jean Mayer and the White House Conference
- 18.Poor People’s Campaign (Springfield, IL)
- 19.Hunger & Charity in the Age of Austerity - Landing
- 20.Hunger & Charity in the Age of Austerity - Main
- 21.Government Cheese
- 22.The Return of the Welfare Queen
- 23.Welfare Reform
- 24.Crises of New Proportions - Landing
- 25.Crises of New Proportions - Main
- 26.COVID-19
- 27.Stories of a Broken Safety Net - Landing
- 28.Stories of a Broken Safety Net - Main
- 29.Wishing Tree
- 30.End tour
MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger