Patron Program

Becoming a Patron of The Hunger Museum enables MAZON to continue building this groundbreaking experience through the creation of new exhibits, expanded learning resources, and engaging programs and events. 

Museum Patron opportunities are available at multiple levels and include expanded benefits such as private guided tours, recognition of support, access to dedicated concierge and more. Please read below to learn about each Patron level.

Become a Patron >

Friend Patron – $1,000
Benefits of Individual Membership and recognition on Hunger Museum website.

Partner Patron – $2,500
Benefits of Individual Membership and recognition on Hunger Museum website.

Curator Patron – $3,600
Benefits of Individual Membership, one custom guided tour, recognition on Hunger Museum website.

Advocate Patron – $5,000
Benefits of Individual Membership, concierge services to arrange one custom guided tour, recognition on Hunger Museum website.

Champion Patron – $10,000
Benefits of Individual Membership. concierge services to arrange one custom guided tour, recognition on Hunger Museum website, PLUS one gift membership to the Hunger Museum at the Friend level.

Sustaining Patron – $25,000
Benefits of Individual Membership. concierge services to arrange one custom guided tour, recognition on Hunger Museum website, PLUS one gift membership to the Hunger Museum at the Friend level and inclusion of item in Museum Gift Shop.

Program Patron – $50,000
Benefits of Individual Membership. concierge services to arrange two custom guided tours, recognition on Hunger Museum website, PLUS one gift membership to the Hunger Museum at the Friend level, inclusion of item in Museum Gift Shop, and recognition in MAZON newsletter.

Presenting Patron – $100,000
INCLUDES EXHIBIT NAMING OPPORTUNITIES along with benefits of Individual Membership. concierge services to arrange four custom guided tours, recognition on Hunger Museum website, PLUS one gift membership to the Hunger Museum at the Friend level, inclusion of item in Museum Gift Shop, and recognition in MAZON newsletter.

At the Museum
Explore our galleries, exhibits and venues.
Hunger in the Industrial City
Glaring inequities prompt new public attention to the plight of the poor and new social and political debates about hunger.
Visit Gallery
America in Crisis and Recovery
A “New Deal for America” becomes the first significant federal investment in addressing hunger in American society.
Visit Gallery
WWII and the Paradoxes of the Postwar Era
Feeding Americans was an integral part of national defense during WWII — but hunger continued to be real problem for millions of Americans.
Visit Gallery
The Fight for the Right to Food
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s fundamentally changed the ways Americans understood the causes and consequences of hunger.
The Unmaking of the Great Society
Reagan and Clinton’s efforts to “reform” America’s safety net increased the number of people struggling with hunger, fostering the belief that charity and corporate donations could tackle hunger better than a broad-based government response.
How It Is — And How It Should Be
New crises of climate, economics, and health made it clear that neither personal responsibility nor charity could meet the needs of an entire population.
Your voice matters

A Wishing Tree to End Hunger

The Wishing Tree is a collaborative project between Yoko Ono and the audience that engages with it. The Wishing Tree is an open letter to individuals, inviting them to write down their wishes on small tags of paper before attaching them to a live tree.

What is your wish for those around the world who suffer from hunger?


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