O’Halloran, Thomas J. “Soviet leader Anastas Mikoyan and others looking at vanilla ice cream cartons in a freezer, during his visit to the United States.” 1959. U.S. News & World Report Magazine Collection, Library of Congress.

Soviet Officials and Ice Cream

The highly managed communist food system in Soviet Russia offered a sharply contrasting approach to the American capitalist food system. In January 1959, Soviet official Anastas Mikoyan encountered the U.S. free enterprise food system during an unofficial visit. This picture of Mikoyan visiting a supermarket captured his curiosity at an open cooler filled with boxes of ice cream, signifying the availability of cheap, reliable electricity for refrigeration in stores and homes, the reliance of Americans on dairy as part of the “Standard American Diet,” and an economy thriving on imported sugar from plantations on Caribbean islands.

Where is it located in the Museum?

Soviet Officials and Ice Cream